Author: Jody Woodruff

2022 MGA 2 Man Tournament

The deadline is fast approaching for signing up to play in our annual 2-man best ball event. The deadline to signup AND pay entry fee is April 16, 6PM. That is this Saturday. The event is once again a 2-day event for Saturday April 23rd and Sunday April 24th. I am attaching a list of those signed up as of tonight April 13th. Our goal is to have 30 teams and right now we are only halfway there. You can find the signup sheet on the bulletin board or call the Pro Shop and have them add you to the list.

If anyone wants to play and does not have a partner, let us know and we will try to find you a partner.

Play open at Landings today

We can get some tee times at Landings today for those interested. We can get 4 times. 12:48 and 12:56 are claimed. We can get 1:12 and 1:24 if others are interested. You must contact Jody or Moody if interested very soon.