Category: MGA News

Used for posts that contain news or notices

2018 Fall Trip Info

For those making the Fall Trip to Jekyll Island, you can click the links below for details. If you have questions please call Jody at 636-9186.

There have already been some minor changes to the foursomes since printing these docs, but the ones affected know what the changes are. If for some reason you wish to change who you play with, please make sure you get agreement from all parties involved,

Also I do not think I listed it in the docs but there is a $6 fee for each vehicle that drives onto the island.

2018 Fall Trip Cover Letter

2018 Fall Trip Foursomes

2018 Fall Trip Rooms

Thanks in advance for your participation in this year’s event. Please take note of the group dinner on Friday.

2018 Fall Trip Deposits

The deadline to pay the deposit has passed. We are going to make a one time extension of the deposit deadline. The new deadline is Sunday August 5 at 6 PM. If you have not paid the deposit or made arrangements with the BOD, you will not be able to make the trip.

PLEASE do not let this deadline pass you by. We want you on the trip.

There are only 16 players who have paid their deposit. Last year we had 36 make the trip. I will have to call the hotel and reduce the number of rooms we have reserved if I do not get your $100 deposit by the extended deadline.

The following people have paid their deposit:

Jody Woodruff
Jeffrey Bennett
Hal Baker
W J Daniell
Richard Poole
Tommy Poole
John Poole
Rick Mock
David Singletary
Wayne Magourik
Bruce Hilton
Rick Moody
Brad Metz
Carl Adkins
James Simpson
Robert Dokey

Saturday Points Game format changes

At every meeting the MGA has conducted over the last few years it has been the consensus that we wanted to use different formats for our weekly matches. We started out this year by making Saturday a points game rather than best-ball. It has been a success thus far. The BOD met recently to discuss ways we could improve this format even more. We came up with some new options that we would like to test. Attached is a document that explains how we plan accomplish this through the end of this year. Please click on the link below to see the explanations and schedule for each format.

Saturday Points game changes