Upcoming Fall Trip

I wanted to give everyone a heads up on what our thoughts are on our annual Fall golf trip. We are working with a couple of courses in Athens, GA area. We have tentatively set the dates to be Sept. 06-07, 2014. These dates and the location are not set in stone but this is the most likely scenario. As in the past, the MGA will use the money collected during the weekly matches to subsidize as much as possible. It will depend on how many are able to make the trip as to how much it will cost each person. In the past we have been able to spend about $3K for the trip. This fund will be spread out over the number of players that sign up. Once we have finalized the date and location we will post a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. We have not yet negotiated with local hotels, but will be working on that in the next  couple of weeks.

Keep an eye on this website for updates.

Want to sign up? Enter your name, email and check the box at the end of this post.

Here is the proposed agenda”

Saturday Sept. 06:  1 Pm

Lane Creek Golf Club

Bishop, Ga

Web address:


The course is offering to cookout for us at a very reasonable rate

Sunday Sept. 07: 8 or 9 AM

University of Georgia Golf Course

Athens, GA

Web address:



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