Saturday time change
Time Changed for this Saturday.
Southern Hills management has respectively asked for our cooperation by moving our tee times for Saturday’s match to 1:05 PM.
We will pick teams as usual starting at 12:45 rather than the normal Saturday time of 11:45.
We will return to our normal starting time next Saturday 3/23.
Thanks for your understanding!
Latest Match Winners
We had a great crowd out today. As far as I know it was a record turnout – a total of 36 players. Let’s keep the momentum and see if we can break the 40 barrier soon.
Front 9
Score: -5
Joel Garrett
Ed Lancaster
Jack Morse
Mike Churcher
Back 9
Score: -5
Jody Woodruff
John Wade
Butch Hall
Marvin Jones
18 Holes
Score: -5
Joel Garrett
Ed Lancaster
Jack Morse
Mike Churcher
#1 Tim Wynne
#4 RC Coleman (eagle)
#12 Donnie Stephenson (eagle)
#14 Butch Hall (eagle)
#17 Bill Shively