Matt says that clubhouse would be closing early tomorrow for Christmas. So we will need to start teeing off at 11:00 am. (Probably not Shotgun)
Member Site created to inform members about the happenings of Southern Hills MGA.
Matt says that clubhouse would be closing early tomorrow for Christmas. So we will need to start teeing off at 11:00 am. (Probably not Shotgun)
We had 16 players today in our low three game.
Honorable Mention: 74 Tracy Stephens; 76 Tim Wynne; 77 Lacy Ellerbee; 78 Wendell Faircloth; 79 Ed Lancaster
Front +3; 18 Holes +9: Tracy Stephens, Ed Lancaster, Donnie Stephenson, John Wade
Back +5: Jake Raschke, Larry Moss, Lacy Ellerbee, Daniel Weir
#4 Ed Lancaster
#11 Tim Wynne
#13 Daniel Weir (Eagle)
#15 Bobby Bailey
#16 Wendell Faircloth
***Note*** Tomorrow being the fourth Sunday we will be playing our Low Three game.
There were 14 players today in our points game.
Honorable Mention: 75 Donnie Stephenson; 78 Bruce Hilton
Most Plus +6: Donnie Stephenson
First Place Team +1 (two way tie):
Donnie Stephenson, Jamey Richardson, Michael Conner
Chris Mooring, Bruce Hilton, Artie Smith
#2 Donnie Stephenson
#5 Marvin Jones
#7 Bruce Hilton
#10 Chris Mooring
#11 Artie Smith
#14 Donnie Stephenson
#17 Donnie Stephenson
#18 Michael Conner