Match Results – March 9, 2014

We tied a record today with 47 players. This is the biggest group without a special event. The BOD decided at out last meeting to start paying 2 places on the Front, Back and Overall when we have 36 players or more. Since this is supposed to be a social event we want to make sure that we spread the money around.

Front Nine: 

1st Place: -1

J D Kennedy, Justin Armstrong, Mike Churcher

2nd Place: E

Will Coonen, Artie Smith, Richard Poole, Rick Mock

Back Nine:

1st Place: -4

Tracy Stephens, Steve Roland, Ed Lancaster, Don Weir

2nd Place: -3 (two way tie)

Will Coonen, Artie Smith, Richard Poole, Rick Mock

Rick Moody, Doc Jackson, Bob Fisher, Tom Bunting

18 Holes:

1st Place: -3 (two way tie)

J D Kennedy, Justin Armstrong, Mike Churcher

Will Coonen, Artie Smith, Richard Poole, Rick Mock


#1 Steve Roland (eagle)

#2 R C Coleman

#7 Tracy Stephens

#9 J D Kennedy

#18 Carl Adkins