Match Results-Aug. 29, 2020

Notice: We will tee off tomorrow at 11:30 am, if you wish to play you must be on the list by 11:00 am. Captains will pick their teams starting at 11:15.

We had 32 players today in our first ever 5th Saturday Scramble. Every one enjoyed the Pizza after play Supplied by Village Pizza of Eastman.

1st Place -14

Wyatt Jones, Ed Lancaster, Bill Powell, David Jones

2nd Place -13 (tie)

Rick Moody, Hal Baker, Chris Mooring, Robert Dokey

Bruce Hilton, Paul Carroll, John Correia, Mike Conner


#7 Rick Moody’s Team

#8 W J Daniell’s Team (eagle)

#10 James Simpson’s Team (eagle)

#13 Doc Garrett’s Team (eagle)

#14 Bruce Hilton’s Team (eagle)