We had 26 players including 3 guest, 7 teams and paid 3 places in the points game.
Low Scores: 74 W J Daniell, 75 Hal Baker
1 st place +9
W J Daniell, Carl Adkins, Michael Conner, Smitty Dennard
2nd Place +8
Doc Garrett, Donnie Stephenson, John Correia
3rd Place +1
Carl Carhuff, Tom Bourgard, Dennis Blomquist
Player Most Plus +8 Tommy Poole
#3 Brad Metz
#5 Dennis Blomquist
#6 R G Lamar
#9 Wayne Magourik
#10 Tommy Poole
#14 R G Lamar (eagle)
#15 Hal Baker
#18 R G Lamar