***Reminder*** The deadline to pay your $100 deposit for the fall trip is 15 August. Please get that to one of the board members as soon as you can so we can make arrangements. Also we still have some openings so if you wish to go, please let us know so we can reserve you a spot. Remember you will get $4 credit towards your trip for ever time you have played since 1 October last year. Thanks
***Also*** This being the Second Saturday we will be playing our four man team points game. Select your foursome, and that will be your team for score.
We had 20 players today in our game.
Par Shooter: 72 Jody Woodruff
Honorable Mention: 73 Aaron Stocks, Tim Wynne; 76 Marvin Jones, Donnie Stephenson; 77 Bruce Hilton; 78 Rick Moody; 79 Tracy Stephens
Front -1; 18 Holes -2 (two way tie): Aaron Stocks, Otis Stocks, Dale Thompson, Jamey Lancaster
Back -5; 18 Holes -2 (two way tie): Tracy Stephens, Donnie Stephenson, Ed Lancaster, Rick Mock
#1 Aaron Stocks
#11 Tracy Stephens
#14 Rick Mock
#16 Aaron Stocks
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