Match Results – 13 August, 2024

***Reminder*** Most have paid their deposit for the fall trip, but for those that have not please get us your $100 deposit by this Thursday. Thanks

We had 20 players today in our match.

Par Shooter: 71 Tracy Stephens

Honorable Mention: 74 Bruce Hilton; 77 Jody Woodruff; 79 Artie Smith, Rick Mock

Front E: Tracy Stephens, Wendell Faircloth, Mike Churcher, Daniel Weir

Back -4: Jody Woodruff, Marvin Jones, WJ Daniell, Rick Mock

18 Holes E: Bruce Hilton, Tom Bourgard, Chuck Ryan, Artie Smith


#1 Rick Mock

#3 Whitney Lancaster (Eagle)

#7 Tracy Stephens

#8 Chris Mooring

#9 Artie Smith

#11 Rick Mock

#15 Artie Smith

#16 Bruce Hilton

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