Match Results – 12 Jun 2016

There were 28 players today.

Congratulations to Tony Castro for his hole in one on #11.

Front +2
Jody Woodruff (#7 of 7) Wayne Simmons, Frankie Sanders, Greg Payne
John Allison (#6 of 7) Doc Garrett, RC Coleman, Don Jarzenka
El Lancaster (#2 of 7) Huey Nguyen, Mike Churcher, John Correria

Back -6
Carl Adkins (#1 of 7) Artie Smith, Jeffery Jones, Tony Castro
Overall -2
W J Daniell(#4 of7) Larry Stevenson, Steve Roland, Ron Hall
Carl Adkins (# 1 of 7) Artie Smith, Jeffery Jones, Tony Castro


#5 Artie Smith 
#7 Jody Woodruff 
#11 Tony Castro <Hole-in-one>
#14 T J Gibson<Eagle>
#15 Huey Nguyen
#17 Don Weir