Match results 11 Feb 2016

We had 24 players today.

A beautiful day though the scores did not reflect it.

Par breakers: Jon David Kennedy 71

Front +3

Tim Wynne (#4 of 6), Smitty Denard, John Wade, Don Jarzynka

Back -3

Tracy Stephens (#5 of 6), Mike Churcher, RC Coleman, Don Weir

Overall +4

Tim Wynne (#4 of 6), Smitty Denard, John Wade, Don Jarzynka

Jon David Kennedy (#6 of 6), Butch Singletary, Richard Poole, Bret Puckett


#2 Ed Lancaster

#3 Ed Lancaster (Eagle)

#9 Jon David Kennedy

#16 Hal Baker

Team Captains: Please help me out with the scorecards, we have multiple Tom’s, John’s and Don’s just to mention a few. Please include their last name or initial. I want to make sure I credit the correct person on the money list. Thanks!

We still have a number of members whom have not paid their dues for 2016. We want to order the medallions soon so get your dues in asap. You can pay any board member or leave it at the desk with Matt.