Category: Misc.

Bucket for posts that do not fit other categories

New Additions to website

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I recently made some changes to the website. These changes are in an effort to provide each member with access to as much information possible that might be of interest. Check out the new items on the menu:

MGA Money List

MGA News – SunMark Cup (hover mouse over MGA News to see option)




I have been asked by the management to remind everyone of the cart path policy. Many of the MGA members have been observed taking carts in prohibited areas. In order for the course to be able to chastise non-members it is important for us to set a good example. If we do not adhere to the policy, it is very difficult to expect others to do so.

Just to remind everyone of the policy:

  • CART PATH ONLY on holes 1, 6, 10, 18. This means tee to green. Many of us are guilty of taking carts off cart path after the creek on 1 and into 10 fairway. Neither situation adheres to the policy.
  • No carts left of 8 or 9 green
  • CART PATH ONLY on par 3’s
  • No carts behind 13 green
  • No carts between big tree and green on 16

This is a time of the year where the grass is just starting to grow and is more susceptible to damage. Also the Spring is normally a wet time of year so there are areas where common sense should prevail (good example is on the right side of 14).

Let’s all do our part to protect the course. Do not be afraid to call the clubhouse and report violators. If we police ourselves, we can all help to keep our course in top notch playing condition.