Category: Misc.

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Format change for August 22, 2015

At our last meeting of the MGA, we voted to try a different format on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. It slipped my mind (plus I was not able to play) on the 8th, which was the 2nd Saturday of August. I promised to notify everyone possible ahead of time of what the format would be on these days so that you could decide ahead of time if you wanted to participate on that day.

Saturday August 22, 2015 we will play what we typically refer to as “Peer Day”. For those of you that have not done this before, we will not be picking teams as we normally do. What will happen is you will make your own foursome and teams will be selected randomly based on handicap at the end of the day. This allows you to play with people you enjoy playing with but just do not get the chance very often.

Please arrive early and establish your foursome, or even better get your four guys setup ahead of time. The sign-up sheet for this day will have room for the four players in your foursome.

Since I have your attention, I will go ahead and designate the format for September 12, 2015 (2nd Saturday in Sept.). On the 12th we will pick teams as normal but we will play a Team Points game with ALL 4 players points counting towards the team total. The winner will be the team that scores the most + (or the least – if necessary) based on the team quota. Since we have not used this format before, we will base each player’s point quota on the current handicap. We will keep track of point totals and make appropriate adjustments for future points based events.

Points on Sept. 12th will be awarded as follows:

6 points for Eagle

4 Points for Birdie

2 Points for Par

1 Point for Bogey

-1 for Double Bogey


If you have questions drop me a note. We will be trying many different formats on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays. The formats that get the most attendance will be played the most often. This is an experiment we will continue until the end of 2015. If it is successful we can make the decision to carry this forward into 2016. We are looking for format suggestions, but keep in mind that we want the formats to be simple to understand and carry out.



Athens Trip Poll

Please take a moment to answer the poll. We want to ensure that we are doing as much as we can to make our trips a worthwhile and enjoyable adventure for all.
