Author: W J Daniell

Match Results January 19, 2017

We had 34 players today.

Congratulations to Jon David Kennedy on a wonderful round of 60.

(Unfortunately he missed a 2 foot putt on 18 for a round of 59.)

Par Breakers:  60 Jon David Kennedy, 68 Jody Woodruff, 71 Hal Baker,

72 Artie Smith, Rick Moody

Today was our first day of playing points where all balls counted.

Front 65  Overall 137

Jody Woodruff, Ed Lancaster, Huey Nguyen, Mike Stephens, Lee Miller

Back  77

Jon David Kennedy, Joel Garrett, Tommy Poole, Rick Mock, Greg Payne


#3  J D Kennedy  (Eagle)

#7 J D Kennedy

# 9 Jody Woodruff

# 14 J D K Kennedy (Eagle)

# 15 J D Kennedy



Match Results Sunday January 15, 2017

We had 34 players today.

For those of you that play on Tuesdays, Southern Hills will be closed to open play because they are hosting an Senior Event. Contact Matt and he will get you tee times at Southern Landings.

Par Breakers:  71 W J Daniell,  72 Tracy Stephens

Front -1

Rick Moody, Frankie Sanders, Doc Garrett, Rick Mock

Back -7  Overall -4

Jody Woodruff, Charlie Paullisky, John Wade, Wade Sumner


#2 Bill Lindsey

#5 Richard Poole

#6 Artie Smith

#9 Frankie Sanders

#14 Jody Woodruff ( Eagle)

#16 Bill Lindsey

#18 Bill Mayo

Match Results January 12, 2017

We had 35 players today.

Par Breakers:  71 W J Daniell 72 Hal Baker

Today we played a points game, we counted the three best points scores on each hole for each team. We look to how we may modify, change or leave it as is for the enjoyment of the majority of out players. If you have suggestions let your BOD know (Jody,Artie and WJ)

Front: 55

Jordan Evans, Tom Bourgard, Don Weir, Tommy Poole

Back:  67

Huey Nguyen, John Wade, Bob Fisher, Ron Hall

Overall:  113

W J Daniell, Glenn Broadnax, Butch Singletary, Chris Mooring


#3 Tom Bourgard (Eagle)

#4 Hal Baker

#9 Jordan Evans