Author: SouthernHills Admin

Match Results-June 9, 2018

We had 24 players today who enjoyed a leisurely round of 5 hrs.(or not)

Player Most Plus:  +9 (3 way tie)

Jamey Richardson, Carl Adkins, John Poole

1 st Place +12

W J Daniell, Carl Adkins, Wendell Faircloth, Greg Payne

2nd Place +6 (tie)

Paul Carroll, Doc Garrett, John Poole, Richard Poole

Artie Smith, Jeffery Bennett, Donnie Stephenson, Jamey Richardson


#1   Artie Smith

#3   Carl Adkins

#8   Carl Adkins

#9   Artie Smith

#14  Kevin Dye (eagle)

#17 Carl Adkins


Match Results-June 7, 2018

Notice: Saturday is Peer and Points Day, Pick whom ever you wish to be paired with but, do not make any changes to the pairings after 11:45 without prior approval of the BOD!

We had 26 Players today.

Par Breakers:  67 Ben Kishigan,  71 Hal Baker

Front -6     18 holes -10

Ben Kishigan, Tim Wynne, Butch Singletary, Wendell Faircloth

Back  -6

Hal Baker, Carl Adkins, Frankie Sanders, Greg Payne


#2   Bill Mayo

#6   Bill Mayo

#7   Ben Kishigan

#9   Butch Singletary

#10  Artie Smith

#11  Doc Garrett

#12  Rick Moody (eagle)

#13  Hal Baker (eagle)