Author: Marvin Jones

MGA Fourball July 6 & 7

Fellow MGA members,

Just a quick reminder concerning the the tournament:

Tee times will be shotgun start 12 on Saturday and 1:00 Sunday.

Shell’s will be catering after Saturday’s round. That’s almost worth the price of admission!

Speaking of admission, if you haven’t signed up, SIGN UP. We currently have 28 teams or so. If you want a partner, let the board know. We will do our best.

If you haven’t paid, PAY, $50. Preferably before July 1 when the fee increases to $60.

And a reminder, the MGA will be adding $1500 to the kitty to sweeten the pot

You can’t beat this deal; a good meal, good company, great competition and a chance at free money. All for just a little more than if we were playing both days in a regular MGA match.

2024 MGA Rule Changes

Greetings Southern Hills Men’s Golf Association (SHMGA) Members,

The following rule changes were voted on and approved by the SHMGA Board of Directors. You are encouraged to discuss them with any board member to clear up any questions you may have. We intend to start playing under the new rules on Thursday, February 8.

Root Rule:

“For a ball not in a penalty area, on or near a tree root interfering with the player’s swing, the following MGA rule applies: the player, with the captain’s consent, may place the ball at the nearest point of relief away from the root up to 12″ to allow an unobstructed swing.”

The rule is simple, the intent being to prevent players from injuring themselves in a foolhardy attempt to save a stroke for an unplayable lie. The rule does not apply in a hazard/penalty area. The rule doesn’t apply to a root interfering with your stance. The rule doesn’t allow discretion on where the ball is placed within the 12 inches allowed. The ball must be placed on the nearest point of relief. Again, if you have questions, do not hesitate to ask. The Board will have a brief discussion with the captains on Thursday to ensure everyone is aware.

Alternate to Stroke and Distance for a ball Out of Bounds (OB)

The USGA allows a player to take a drop for a ball OB and take a two stroke penalty. I encourage you to go to the USGA website, but the MGA has adopted the rule as applies to OB. The rule is to establish the point where the ball crossed the OB line. This point establishes the no closer to the hole distance. The player is then allowed to take the ball to a point in the fairway, no closer to the hole and no more than two club lengths into the fairway and assess the two stroke penalty. There is a huge allowed drop area, bounded by OB on one side, two club lengths into the fairway on the other side, and the arc defining no closer to the hole from the last point the ball crossed the OB line to the point two club lengths into the fairway no closer to the hole. This sounds like a lot, but most drops will be either near the point the ball crossed the OB line or the point two club lengths into the fairway no closer to the hole. This is an alternative to hitting a provisional ball.

The board also voted to abandon the picking order established by average score to return to the drawing of pills to establish the picking order.

Whether you agree or disagree with the rule changes, I encourage you to continue to participate in the SHMGA. It is still the best game around.

Marvin D. Jones, SHMGA President