Author: Marvin Jones

Match Results – September 15, 2024

*******Notice ****** There were no skins today. The skin pot will carry over to the next Shamble the third Sunday of October.

Club Championship September 21 & 22

We had 33 players in the best 3-ball shamble today.

First Place: -16 Jody Woodruff, David Daniell, Carl Adkins, Michael Stephens

Second Place: -14 J. C. Bergh, Daniel Weir, Rick Mock, WJ Daniell, Codey Smeets

Third Place: -9 Jim Broadnax, Coty Hall, Phillip Bush, Tom Bourgard


I still managed to screw up the point formats. Weeks 1, 3, 5 are random draw. NOT 1, 4, 5! Week 4 is individual points. NOT Week 3! Week 2 was correct, the team you play with is your team. These are documented and not subject to my ability to recall from memory.

Match Results- September 7, 2024

*******NOTICE********* Please pay the remaining balance for the fall trip by next Sunday, September 15 so final room reservations can be made

We had 18 players today in the random draw points game today. It was the first Saturday of the month, not the second. I can’t read a calendar, I apologize for the misinformation. First, fourth and fifth Saturday, random draw, second Saturday your team is who you play with, third Saturday individual points.

Par Breakers: 69 Tracy Stephens; 70 Bobby Chaney, Daniel Weir

Honorable Mention: 73 Carl Adkins; 77 David Daniell; 78 Rick Moody; 79 Brad Metz, WJ Daniell (SHA)

Most Plus: Carl Adkins (two weeks in a row) You go girl!!

First Place: +15 Greg Payne , Bobby Chaney, Carl Adkins, Colby Folds

Second Place: +8 Rick Moody, Jamey Richardson, Daniel Weir, Brad Metz


#1 Colby Folds

#7 WJ Daniell

#11 David Daniell

#13 Colby Folds (Eagle)

#14 Artie Smith (Eagle)

#16 David Daniell