Author: John Correia

Match Result – 13 March, 2025

***Note*** The game this Saturday will be our random draw points game. Choose your foursome to play with, and then there will be a random draw for team scores.

Par Shooter: 72 Tracy Stephens

Honorable Mention: 74 Wendell Faircloth; 75 Todd Case; 76 Bruce Hilton; 77 Rick Mock, Dale Thompson, Doc Garrett, Jim Broadnax; 79 Wayne Magouirk; 82 WJ Daniell (SHA)

Front -1; Back -6; 18 Holes -7: Todd Case, Wendell Faircloth, Wayne Magouirk, Rick Mock


#1 Tracy Stephens

#2 Colby Folds

#8 Jim Broadnax (Eagle)

#11 Wendell Faircloth

#16 Todd Case

#17 Mike Churcher

Match Results – 11 March, 2025

We had 19 players in our match today.

Honorable Mention: 74 Brad Hammock; 76 Donnie Stephenson; 78 Todd Case, Artie Smith; 79 Ed Lancaster; 82 WJ Daniell (SHA)

Front +1; 18 Holes +4: Donnie Stephenson, Dale Thompson, Doc Garrett, John Wade

Back +2 (two way tie): Brad Hammock, Jimmy Hammock, Todd Case

Back +2 (two way tie): Tracy Stephens, Rick Mock, Dylan Folds, Jim Stewart


#2 John Wade

#4 Rick Mock

#9 WJ Daniell

#18 Artie Smith

Match Results – 8 March, 2025

***Reminder*** Our two man best ball tournament will be April 5/6 this year. Please sign up on the bulletin board as soon as possible if you plan on playing. Also, your payment of $50 per man is due No Latter Than 31 March. Please don’t miss that deadline. If you pay after that date, it will cost $60 per man. You can Pay John Correia, Marvin Jones, or any other board member.

We had 35 Players today in our points game.

Par Shooter: 72 Rick Moody

Honorable Mention: 75 Tim Wynne: 76 Donnie Stephenson, Tracy Stephens; 77 Jim Broadnax, James Simpson; 79 Jake Raschke

Most Plus +8: Greg Payne

1st Place Team +13: Jim Broadnax, Robert Dokey, Greg Payne, David Dunaway

2nd Place Team +6: Larry Moss, Seth Moss, Wayne Magouirk, Jamey Richardson

3rd Place Team +2: WJ Daniell, David Daniell, Tom Bourgard, John Correia


#2 David Dunaway

#4 Rick Moody

#6 Michael Conner

#10 Artie Smith (Eagle)

#12 Greg Payne (Eagle)

#15 Tracy Stephen

#16 David Daniell