Author: Jody Woodruff

NOTICE: Major change to Website posts

Effective June 10, we will no longer be able to send emails to those that have been following our website posts in the same manner as before. The method we used in the past is being discontinued, forcing us to make a change. We will be setting up a new method that will actually work better going forward. The drawback is that each person who wishes to receive an email when a new post comes out (such as Match Results, etc.) MUST setup a username and password. This is a one time setup for each person and once you setup the username/password, you will not need to use it in the future. Once the process is complete, you will receive an email immediately after a new post is added to the website. you will not have to wait until 10PM to get the notice. Since this email is sent immediately, it will help in cases like last week when the start time was moved at the last minute.

In order for this to work, you MUST supply Jody with legible written copy of your email address. I will then have to send you an “Invite” to sign up for email notification. When you get the invitation, please follow instructions to setup your username/password. If you have any issues getting setup, please let me know. I will be sending the invitations out once I get the list of emails completed.

I started an email list in the pro shop a few weeks ago and some of you entered your updated email address. However, that list seems to have disappeared and will need to be started over. I plan to have a new sheet for emails in the Pro Shop by this Thursday. Please take a moment when you sign in to play to enter your information.

If you choose not to sign up, you will always be able to go directly to the website and see the latest posts at any time. Our website address is

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

2021 MGA 2-Man Best Ball Results

Thanks to all that participated in this years annual 2-man Best Ball event. We had 21 teams participate. I think we got very lucky with the weather given the forecast earlier in the week. The event was divided into 3 flights based on total team handicap with 7 teams per flight. We paid 3 places per flight as well as some close-ups and net skins, In addition to the tournament, there was also an optional gross skin pot.

Flight A:

1st Place: 122 Ed Lancaster/Bob Fisher

2nd Place: 125 Hal Baker/Jody Woodruff

3rd Place: 126 James Simpson/Rick Moody

Flight B:

1st Place: 120 Doc Garrett/Tom Bourgard

2nd Place: 126 David Daniell/W J Daniell

3rd Place: (two-way tie)129 Tilford Copeland/Howard Williams; Donnie Stephenson/Dale Thompson

Flight C:

1st Place: 124 Dylan Folds/J C Bergh

2nd Place: 127 Kevin Davis/Ron Papizon

3rd Place: 129 (two-way tie) Marvin Jones/Wendell Faircloth; John Poole/Tommy Poole

Net Skins Day 1 (9)

#1 Lancaster/Fisher

#4 Lancaster/Fisher

#6 Moody/Simpson

#9 Baker/Woodruff

#10 Davis/Papizon

#11 Daniell/Daniell

#12 Mock/Aber

#13 Dokey/Dokey

#18 Davis/Papizon

Gross Skins Day 1 (6)

#1 Lancaster/Fisher

#3 Lancaster/Fisher

#6 Moody/Simpson

#9 Baker/Woodruff

#16 Baker/Woodruff

#18 Davis/Papizon

Net Skins Day 2 (6)

#1 Lancaster/Fisher

#2 Jones/Faircloth

#3 Singletary/Sanders

#4 Bourgard/Garrett

#5 Poole/Poole

#18 Moody/Simpson

Gross Skins Day 2 (3)

#1 Lancaster/Fisher

#2 Jones/Faircloth

#18 Moody/Simpson

Closest to Pin Day 1

#2 Frankie Sanders

#17 Wayne Magourik

Closest to Pin Day 2

#5 David Daniell

#11 Jeff Jones

2 Man Best Ball

We are all set for our tournament for Sat/Sunday. We have 22 teams. For those that failed to pay on time, you must bring CASH tomorrow. Each time I check the forecast it seems like the prognosis is looking better and better that we will be able to avoid the rain . If for some reason that either day is rained out, we will reduce the event to a one day event.

Don’t forget we will have dinner on Saturday starting at 5:00. If we get rained out tomorrow we will still serve dinner and a short meeting.