Author: Jody Woodruff

Match Results – June 26, 2021

We had 20 players in our points game today.

Par breakers: 70 Rick Moody

1st Place: +6 Rick Moody

2nd Place: +2 (4 way tie)

Chuck Ryan, Brad Metz, Bret Puckett., Marvin Jones,

6th Place: +1 (2-way tie) Jody Woodruff, Smitty Dennard


#3 Rick Moody

#4 Jody Woodruff

#5 John Correia

#7 Brad Metz

#9 Rick Moody

#10 Rick Moody

#11 Jody Woodruff

#15 Rick Moody

#17 Tilford Copeland

#18 Wayne Magouirk

Final reminder!

I posted a couple of weeks ago letting everyone know about a new method to receive web site posts for the MGA. We had about 85 people that were receiving emails in the old system. Currently only 38 have submitted their email address as requested. I don’t know if the other 40+ no longer wish to get the updates or if my request has been ignored.

Effective June 11, there will be NO emails sent to anyone except those that have complied with the request and taken the steps to create a user ID and password. For the others, you will need to submit your email by filling out the sheet in the pro shop and I will get invitation sent to you when I have nothing else to do.

Match Results: May 31, 2021

We had 24 players today.

Par Breakers: 68 Wyatt Jones

Front: E; 18 Holes: -2 (two-way tie)

Jody Woodruff, Tracy Stephens, John Correia, Dylan Gay

Back: -5 18 Holes: -2 (2-way tie)

Wyatt Jones, Butch Hall, Marvin Jones, Dale Thompson


#1 Mike Conner

#4 Paul Carroll

#6 Tracy Stephens

#7 Wyatt Jones

#8 Jim Broadnax (eagle)

#9 Daniel Weir

#10 John Shaginaw (eagle)

#11 Tracy Stephens

#12 Marvin Jones (eagle)

#13 Scot Tarrer