Author: Jody Woodruff

Positive Covid 19 test

Artie Smith asked me to send this note out:

Hey, Jody,
I kinda need a PSA for you to post so all the MGA guys know… I tested positive for the covid 19, yesterday. I wasn’t in close contact with anyone, plus I rode by myself, Saturday and Sunday.
Just want to let people know, in case.
Thanks, Artie

Landings Tee Times Sunday 8/15

There was a slight mix-up with tee times today. Our first tee time is at 1:36. We only have 14 people signed up to play right now. We have 4 tee times so there is room for a couple more players.

Captains need to be there to pick teams no later than 1:15. If you wish to play you must let us know before 1:15 today.

MGA News

Due to a tournament on Saturday 7/17/21 There will be no MGA match. We will resume our normal schedule on Sunday 7/18/21.

Back in February the BOD made the decision to change the picking order when we play our matches. The decision was made in an effort to make the matches more fair. At this time we started recording data whereby we could see if this did indeed help to spread the winnings around. I now have about 6 months of data related to this and can publish information that shows how much money is won in our matches based on which order a team captain picked his team. I think this data interestingly shows that it does not make a lot of difference what order you pick.

The numbers below do not show how much or how often an individual won money but an average of how much a particular numbered team won. EX. There were 50 times that we had a team number 1 and a total won by team #1 of $1645. This gives an average for team #1 of $32.90. There were only 3 times we had a team #10 and a total won by team #10 of $105 giving an average of $35.00.

We will continue recording this data and at the end of the year I will create this comparison again.