Author: Jody Woodruff

Match results – 14 Jul 2016

We had 26 players today.

Par kicked everybody’s butt today!

Front E

Bill Shively (#1 of 7), Glenn Broadnax, John Correia, Joe Rutherford

Back -6

TJ Gibson (#6 of 7), Fred Rasche, Rick Mock

Overall -2

Hal Baker (#4 of 7), Ed Lancaster, Smitty Denard, Ron Hall


#4 Wayne Simmons

#10 Rick Mock <Eagle>

#15 Fred Rasche

#17 WJ Daniell


Match results – 9 Jul 2016

We had 22 players today.

Par Breakers: 68 Hal Baker, 69 Rick Moody, 70 Jody Woodruff, Ben Kishigian

Front -1

Bill Lindsey (#1 of 7), Bruce Hilton, Carl Adkins, Marvin Jones

Mal Gore (#2 of 7), Ben Kishigian, James Simpson, Don Weir

Back -8, Overall -8

Smitty Denard (#4 of 7), Hal Baker, Doc Garrett, Tom Dokey


#1 Butch Singletary

#6 Rick Moody

#8 Bruce Hilton <Eagle>

#13 Mike Stephens <Eagle>

#14 Ben Kishigian <Eagle>

#16 Hal Baker

#17 Hal Baker

#18 Jody Woodruff

First of all, we (the BOD) would like to thank everyone for the turnout for our 1st ‘D Day’. Second, I would like to thank today’s “pickers” for being so well mannered and “into” the process <g>.

Today’s pickers were Bill Lindsey, Mal Gore, Rick Mock, Smitty Denard, Dennis Brown, Hal Reeves and Lee Miller. We really appreciate their spirit and willingness to jump in. We might have to see how the ‘B’ and ‘C’ players respond when called on.

The number of Hole In One members is about half of ‘normal’. Membership is only $5 so please consider re-upping or joining.


Match results – 7 Jul 2016

We had 27 players today.

Par Breakers: 67 Jody Woodruff, 68 Tom (Why do I have to pick?) Bourgard, 71 Bill Mayo

Front -4

Hal Baker (#4 of 7), James Simpson, Frankie Sanders, Don Watts

Back -9, Overall -8

Tom Bourgard (#1 of 7), Bill Shively, Bob Reynolds, Butch Singletary


#3 Jody Woodruff <Eagle>

#5 Jody Woodruff

#6 Tom Bourgard

Don’t forget, Saturday is ‘D Day’! Hope to see you there, should be a fun day.

Also, as a group we really depend on our Captains to enter everyone’s score into the GHIN system. If your Captain is unwilling or unable to do so, let us know so we can rectify the situation. Thanks!