Envelopes are in the Pro Shop for each of the winners. The actual money you receive may be different from the amount won previously posted. This is due to the addition of extra play credits between 8/31 and 9/30. Also any monies owed to the MGA for dues etc were deducted. If you have any questions about this matter can be addressed to WJ or any other member of the BOD.
Author: Jody Woodruff
Access to Fall Trip data
I was not specific in the previous post exactly how to view trip results.
Once you navigate to our website you need to select the Menu item “Fall Trips” and then select “2021 Fall Trip – Results are in!”
Fall Trip Results
The results for our Fall Trip to Hilton Head, SC have been added to the website “http://www.thehillsmga.org”. When viewing this page you can click on the link below each page to view full screen or select the DOWNLOAD button to retrieve a copy to your PC.
If you have suggestions about where to go next year or how to make the trip better, share that with the BOD.
Thank you to all those that made the trip a success this year. It is always fun, even if we don’t play well.