Author: Jody Woodruff

in memory of Bill Shively

I would like to thank all that contributed to the fund created in memory of Bill Shively. It was Bill’s request that in lieu of flowers money would be sent to support the Hawkinsville High School Red Devil golf team. The MGA collected a total of $700 for this fund. Below is a pic of the check presentation. Coach John Roberts expressed his gratitude for the support. He indicated that they had also received approximately another $800 from Bill’s other friends (many from OH).

Pictured above Front Row: HHS golfers – Michael and Joseph Wood, Savannah Dokey. Back Row: W J Daniell, Jody Woodruff, Coach John Roberts, Tom Dokey

Donations in honor of Bill Shively

In lieu of flowers, Bill Shively’s family has requsted donations be made to the HHS Golf Team.

The MGA has started a collection of money to donate so if you wish to contribute, please give your donation to one of the BOD members and we will present it as a group. You also may make individual donations if you wish.

We will continue to accept donations until Sunday December 6, 2021, please give your donation to Jody, W. J. or any BOD member.


There will be a short gathering to honor and toast the life of Bill Shively, whom most of you know passed away this past Thursday. Please join us at the Shively residence (18 Savannah Circle) in Hawkinsville. The gathering is scheduled for 5:30 – 6:30 on Tuesday Nov. 16th.