Annual Fall Trip

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2015 Annual Golf Trip

We have finalized our dates and location for our Annual Fall Trip. As most of you know this trip is subsidized by the Party Fund we collect each time we play our weekly matches. If the number of players making the trip is about the same as previous years (36)  then the only cost to you is the prize money of $50. This covers each days prize fund for teams, points and skins. The prize money must be paid up front no later than October 1, 2015 to secure your spot. If for some reason we have a lot more players, we will need to look at a small additional charge to cover the extra costs.

As in the past, we will be booking hotel rooms based on double occupancy. The hotel we have selected is nice but does not offer smoking rooms so if you MUST have a smoking room, we will need to look at reserving rooms at a different hotel for you. Anyone wishing to have a single room will need to pay and additional $45 for the hotel.

Sign-up sheet posted on bulletin board!

Here are the details:

Dates: October 10-11, 2015

Location: Columbus, GA

Hotel: Comfort Suites

Hotel link: Comfort Suites


Day 1 Golf:

Green Island Country Club at 1:30 PM

Day 2 Golf:

Country Club of Columbus at 9:00 AM

These are both nice courses to play. We are still finalizing whether or not we will start each day golf using tee times or whether the course will allow us to shotgun. More details will follow as we get closer.

I have also been approached by several people who would like to make this a full weekend trip by playing Friday afternoon and staying 2 nights instead of one. If you are interested let me know soon and I will look into how much that would cost you. I am guessing it would be about $85-100 per person based on double occupancy at the hotel. We will play Maple Ridge at 12:30 on Friday. As of October 1, we have 14 players on Friday.

I hope you can join us this year. Those that made the trip last year certainly had a great time.
