Website issues

We had some issues today with our website and I had to restore from the latest backup. The good news is we are back up and running. The bad news is the last backup was in December 2014. Any information that was added to the website since January 1 has been lost. Almost all of the data lost was the Match Results posts and it is not worth the time and effort it would take to recreate them. We did not lose the data from things like Money List, Member List etc. Since the survey we are in the process of completing is being hosted on another website, we did not lose any of the completed surveys. To prevent this the loss of data in the future I have upgraded us to automatic backups. This costs us $2 per month but is well worth it just for cases like this.

It will take me a couple of weeks to get the things like our Calendar and the look and feel of the website back. For now though most of you will not notice anything different.
