This website was created and is managed by the BOD of the Southern Hills MGA. The sole purpose of this site is to keep members updated with news and happenings of the MGA. This includes the results of the weekly matches, member photos, calendar of events and links to relative golf information.

3 throughts on "General Info"

  1. It’s been a wonderful 2023 in the MGA for golf, for continuing and growing old friendships, and for beginning new ones. Looking forward to another fine year in 2024. God bless, Merry Christmas and wishing a safe and Happy New Year to you all and your families.

    1. Jeff,
      The current BOD is:
      President – Daniel Weir
      VP – Marvin Jones
      Sec/Tres – John Correia
      At Large Members – Artie Smith, WJ Daniell, Jeff Jones, Jim Broadnax
      We are working to see where the Minutes should be placed.
      John Correia

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