Some interesting Info

There is always talk about just who takes home “all the money”, so to settle the dispute, here are the Top Ten Total Money and Top Ten Skins winners. This information is not exact as I had to use our website posts to figure what each person won each match and there were times where the sheets were not turned in, and other times where the money was not evenly divisible. In the cases where I could not determine the exact amount I tended to round down rather than up. I also have included the “Fish Tournament” money, so those that did well in that event got a big boost for the total money.

I have been working on a database to track how much money each player wins throughout the year. I am close to being able to publish that information but need to finish working on the format of the report.

Total Money
Bill Shively $1,609
Ed Lancaster $1,607
Rick Moody $1,384
W J Daniell $1,291
J D Kennedy $1,216
Rick Mock $1,160
Steve Roland $1,135
Jody Woodruff $932
Artie Smith $836
Joel Garrett $642
Skin Money
J D Kennedy $673
Bill Shively $640
Ed Lancaster $523
Rick Moody $522
Jody Woodruff $410
W J Daniell $393
Artie Smith $384
Steve Roland $327
Joel Garrett $287
R C Coleman $261