Saturday Rainout!

I have refunded your $15 for those that played today. Check for an envelope at the clubhouse.

Tomorrow we will try again with our Shamble low 3 game.

Also, in our board meeting Thursday we voted to go back to picking by scoring average as we used to. No more pulling pills for picking order.


2 throughts on "Saturday Rainout!"

  1. Good evening SHMGA Members,
    The SHMGA bylaws empower the BOD to decide issues, policies and rules of the MGA by a simple majority when a quorum is present. A motion was made, seconded, and the picking order change passed 5 to 0 with two members absent.

  2. It was my understanding that the MGA was a member run golf group, where the Members decide how they want To play their game – based on a Majority membership Vote !

    The BOD’s job is to handle the daily administrative and financial functions For the group. Not to be a dictatorship and make
    “Game” Decisions for us based on how they personally feel.

    This “Picking Order” situation seems to be a problem. It can be solved by letting a computer program randomly select each team based on the handicaps or
    Average score of who is playing that day.
    Then everyone can play with
    Whomever they want to and the game is much more Fun!

    Decisions made by board members based on their experience as pickers, is the wrong answer.

    The BOD should also have accountability to the Members.
    When decisions are made, a notice should be sent to the MGA members with each BOD member name and how they cast their vote!
    That way the Membership can decide if they want to vote for that person at the next election.
    Myself and others in Our Membership feel that this latest decision on”Picking order” should be postponed until a proper vote of the membership can occur. Which is who should be making that decision

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