Rule Changes

Over the last 3 weeks there have been many players that have expressed dissatisfaction with  a couple of the changes that were voted on at our Annual Meeting.

The BOD met today and discussed the comments that were received. Based on what seems to be a consensus of the players, we have voted to:

  1. Move the team points to Saturday and not on Thursday. The primary reason is that it takes longer when all players’ scores count. During the Winter the days are shorter and it pushes us too close to dark to finish. Effective Feb. 13, we will make this change.
  2. Go back to two best balls and not 3. Most of the complaints about the 3 balls also revolved around the amount of time it takes to complete a round. Some cannot finish in less than 4.5 hours when we count 2 balls and playing 3 balls stretches some teams to 5 hours.

If you object to these changes, please discuss your reasoning with the BOD. As always, nothing is ever in stone. Our main goal is to try to support as fair a playing field and encourage play that results in each participant having fun.