Match Results-Sept. 23, 2023

We had 17 players in our individual points game today.

Honorable Mention: 76-David Daniell, 77-Brad Metz, 78-Ed Lancaster, Carl Adkins

1st Place +8 Brad Metz

2nd Place +7 David Daniell

3rd Place +2 Rick Mock

4th Place +1 (tie) Ed Lancaster

4th Place +1 (tie) Jamey Richardson


#1 Brad Metz

#8 David Daniell

#11 Brad Metz

#14 Paul Carroll (eagle)

#15 Carl Adkins

Match Results-Sept. 21, 2023

We had a beautiful, Breezy day for golf, but only 13 players.

Saturday’s points game will be individual points, we will pay 1 place for every 4 players.

Honorable Mention: 77-Tracy Stephens 78-Artie Smith

Front +2 18 Hole +2 (tie)

Dale Thompson, Ed Lancaster, W J Daniell, Artie Smith

Back -2 18 Holes +2 (tie)

Tracy Stephens, Wendell Faircloth, Rick Mock, Chris Mooring


#3 Artie Smith

#4 Ed Lancaster

#6 Marvin Jones

#17 Chris Mooring

#18 Chris Mooring


***Note*** This weekend the golf course will be having the club championship, both Saturday and Sunday. A big percentage of our members will be playing in it so there will not be any MGA matches. There may be some tee times available in the afternoon after the tournament goes off, for those that are looking to play. Check with the golf course if you are interested in individual tee times.

MGA Trip Reminder – Need everyone to pay their $100 deposit for the trip by Saturday, 16 Sept. I will be at the course Saturday for the tournament so you can find me, WJ or Jim Brodnax. Thanks

We had 24 players today in our match

Par Shooter: 70 Rick Moody

Honorable Mention: 73 Jody Woodruff; 74 Bruce Hilton; 75 Scott McDonald, WJ Daniell (Shot way under his age – great round) 76 Wes Wheeler; 77 Tracy Stephens, Dale Thompson; 78 Chris Mooring, Paul Carroll, Marvin Jones; 79 Ed Lancaster, Glenn Broadnax, Donnie Stephenson, Jeffrey Bennett

Front-4; Back -8; 18 Holes -12: Scott McDonald, Bruce Hilton, Artie Smith, Donnie Stephenson


#11 Marvin Jones