Practice Round

Practice Round

Grand Island, Albany GA

There has been some interest expressed by those that have signed up to represent SHGC in a “Ryder Cup” type match to go play a practice round at Grand Island. Tom is looking into getting us a special price for the practice round.
This is an optional practice round and is not included in the entry fee. If anyone is interested, please contact me and I will try to organize the trip to Albany. 
No date has been set yet. More information will follow.

Kottie Kooter Classic


2013 Kottie Kooter Classic

Member Invitational

We have been invited to join the Kottie Kooter Classic tournament on June 1-2, 2013. This is an annual event being hosted this year by Southern Hills Golf Club.
This is a two-man Best Ball format. This is a cash prize tournament. Prizes are based on Net scores both days. For specific information, there are information sheets on the counter in the Pro Shop.
Entry fee is $165 per player. The entry fee includes cash prizes for standings and close-ups each day.  A nice lunch of catfish, shrimp and chicken will be served on Saturday after the round. A Calcutta will follow lunch. Free beverages on Saturday and Sunday.
Contact Matt or Tom in the Pro Shop if you are interested.

Match Results

Latest Match Results

April 28, 2013

 Front Nine: -2 (two-way tie)
Tracy Stephens
Bob Fisher
Whitney Lancaster
Don Weir
Rick Moody
Justin Armstrong
Ed Lancaster
Tom Bunting
Back Nine: -3
Tracy Stephens
Bob Fisher
Whitney Lancaster
Don Weir
18 Holes: -5
Tracy Stephens
Bob Fisher
Whitney Lancaster
Don Weir
#6 Tracy Stephens
#9 Brandon Black
#12 Justin Armstrong (eagle)
#14 Rick Moody
#15 John Wade
#16 John Wade
#18 Hal Baker