Ryder Cup Results

Ryder Cup Results

Match with Grand Island – Albany GA

May 18-19, 2013

Congratulations to “Team Southern Hills”
As you may know, 24 players from Southern Hills GC participated in a “Ryder Cup” type of match against Grand Island Golf Club from Albany GA. 

On Saturday we hosted Grand Island here for 12 doubles matches using a Best Ball format. We were able to hand them a one-sided loss by besting them in 11 of the 12 matches. 

On Sunday we traveled to Albany to take on 24 individual matches. Although the victory was not quite as one-sided as the doubles matches, the players did us proud by winning 15 matches and tying 3 for a total of 16.5 points our of a total of 24 points. Given the fact that we were new to that course, as most of the players had never seen it before, I think we did outstanding.

Players from Albany have already expressed much interest in challenging us again next year.

The final point totals for the weekend were: Southern Hills 27.5 and Grand Island 8.5

A tip of the hat goes out to Marvin Jones who had a Double Eagle on #12 at Southern Hills on Saturday.

Match Results

Latest Match Results

May 16, 2013

Front Nine: -6
Bill Shively
Ed Lancaster
Julian Pittman
Mike Keys
Back Nine: -7
Jon David Kennedy
Bob Treend
Donnie Stephenson
Don Weir
Tom Bunting
18 Holes: -11
Bill Shively
Ed Lancaster
Julian Pittman
Mike Keys
John David Kennedy
#10 Hal Baker (eagle)
#12 Jon David Kennedy (eagle)
#13 Hal Baker (eagle)

"Ryder Cup" Notice

Ryder Cup

Reminder that the Ryder Cup matches are scheduled for this weekend (5/18-19). Tee times start at
9:00 AM on Saturday, May 18th. Check with Tom or Matt for your tee time.
We will play in Albany on Sunday at Grand Island. We do not have actual tee times for Sunday yet, so be sure to check on Saturday.
Tom/Matt have the team sheets for Saturday’s match so check with them to see when you tee off and who your partner is. Saturday will be two-man best ball matches and Sunday will be individual matches.