New Poll

I have had trouble with using polls on this site so I am checking out alternative ways to poll the members. For now all polls will appear on the menu bar. Click on the link named Web Poll (next to the Home link) and you will have the opportunity to cast your vote.

The first poll is a repeat of one I tried last month but was unsuccessful in compiling the votes due to technical issues with our web site. Please take a moment and cast your vote again.

This months poll will be to answer the question:

” Would you like to see the teams picked by computer?”

Match Results

Latest Match Results

May 23, 2013

Front Nine: -2 (two-way tie)
Jody Woodruff
Rick Moody
Jamie Cranford
Steve Roland
Hal Baker
Joel Garrett
Julian Pittman
Artie Smith
Back Nine -5
Hal Baker
Joel Garrett
Julian Pittman
Artie Smith
18 Holes -7
Hal Baker
Joel Garrett
Julian Pittman
Artie Smith
#2 Tony Castro
#5 Jon David Kennedy
#6 Mike Henry
#7 Steve Roland
#9 Ed Lancaster
#14 Artie Smith
#18 Jody Woodruff

Fish Fry Reminder


Don’t forget that we have a quarterly meeting scheduled for this Saturday (May 25) at Wayne Simmon’s “pond house”. We will have a short meeting but more importantly we will have the opportunity to share fellowship with other members.
Wayne Simmons and RC Coleman will be cooking up a good Southern Style Fish Fry. Everyone is invited to come early and share in the fun of “catching dinner”.
We plan to eat about 6 PM followed by a short meeting.
Please bring your cooler filled with your favorite beverage.
If you plan to attend, PLEASE sign the sheet on the bulletin board so we know how much food we will need.
Hope to see you there!