Match winners to be posted!

Starting Feb. 1, 2013 we will try to add a new post after every weekly match. In order for this to be possible each team captain should turn in a legible copy of the scorecard with all scores filled in.

The hope is to be able to post the winners of the best-ball team scores as well as the winners of the skins. In addition we would like to be able to post any newsworthy scores such as low rounds, eagles, hole in ones, etc.

Be sure to check this site regularly to see who is “taking home the bacon”.

As always, feel free to offer suggestions and submit any newsworthy information that might happen during or outside of the game by one of our members.

New Poll Added

Occassionally we will use this site to poll the members to get their thoughts and ideas. I have added a new poll to the page asking for opinions on the weekly match format.

Check back regularly to see if new polls are added – your opinon matters!


New Address

New link for MGA Blog:

We now have our own Internet address. In the future you may link directly to the blog by entering the address:
The old address ( will automatically redirect to the new address but there may be some links that do not display if you choose the old address. Sorry for any confusion but I believe this new address will be easier to remember as well as fewer characters to type.
I would suggest you save the new address to your Favorites for easy access.