Match Results – October 20, 2013

There were 28 players today.

Time is running out to sign up for the Member/Guest. See Matt or Tom in the Pro Shop before tomorrow to sign up.

Front Nine: -5
Bill Shively
Hal Baker
John Wade
Rick Mock

Back Nine: -7
Joel Garrett
Mike Churcher
W J Daniell
Frankie Sanders

18 Holes: -11
Joel Garrett
Mike Churcher
W J Daniell
Frankie Sanders

#1 Hal Baker
#2 Will Coonen
#4 Mike Churcher (eagle)
#5 Rick Moody

Match Results – October 17, 2013

There were 21 players today.

Front Nine: E
Jon David Kennedy
Andy Poe
Carl Adkins

Back Nine: -7 (two-way tie)
Jody Woodruff
Donnie Stephenson
Jamie Cranford
Ben Wilkes

Bill Shively
Mike Keys
W J Daniell
Tom Bunting

18 Holes: -5 (two-way tie)
Jody Woodruff
Donnie Stephenson
Jamie Cranford
Ben Wilkes

Bill Shively
Mike Keys
W J Daniell
Tom Bunting

#2 Rick Moody
#5 Tim Wynne
#6 Jon David Kennedy
#7 Jon David Kennedy
#11 W J Daniell
#15 Rick Moody

Vidalia Road Trip

For those of you that did not make the trip to Vidalia last weekend, you really missed out on a fun weekend. Although the golf courses were having some issues with the greens, I think if you talk to anyone that went, you will find that it was a great trip anyway.

I wanted to share an email I got from Hawks Point:

     Sorry I didn’t get to see you all before I left on Saturday I had to be somewhere right after work. I hope you enjoyed the course and had a wonderful weekend, we were happy you and your MGA came out and hope to see you again very soon. Your group of guys showed great respect for the golf course and I really appreciate that. I watched your group and they raked every trap and followed all the rules, that says a lot for the type of men you have at your course and y’all are welcome back here anytime. 
Hopefully those that did not get to enjoy this trip will be able to make it next year.