Match Results-Dec. 24, 2023

We had 16 players today.

Honorable Mention: 74 Alex Hays, 76 Bob Fisher (SHA) 78 Jake Raschke, 79Marvin Jones

Front Even 18 Holes Even

Carl Adkins, Marvin Jones, Bob Fisher, Dylan Gay

Back -2

David Daniell, W J Daniell, Donnie Stephenson, Doc Garrett


#4 Alex Hayes

#7 Bob Fisher

#8 Marvin Jones

#10 Bob Fisher

#11 W J Daniell

#16 Donnie Stephenson

#17 Donnie Stephenson

Match Results – 23 Dec, 2023

***Reminder*** If you are playing tomorrow the match tee off time will be at 11 AM due to the golf course closing early for Christmas Eve.

We had 29 players today in our individual points game.

Par shooter: 71 Tim Wynne

Honorable Mention: 73 Alex Hays; 75 Jody Woodruff; 76 Tracy Stephens; 78 Carl Adkins; 79 Marvin Jones

1st Place inddividual Points +10 (two way tie): Tim Wynne, Greg Payne

3rd Place +6 (two way tie): Alex Hays, Tom Dokey

5th Place +5 (two way tie): Tom Bourgard, Bob Fisher

7th Place +4: Marvin Jones

8th Place +3: Tracy Stephens


#2 Tim Wynne

#3 Brandon Acree (Eagle)

#8 Tom Dokey (Eagle)

#10 Tracy Stephens

#13 Tracy Stephens (Eagle)

#18 Tim Wynne

Match Results – 21 Dec, 2023

***Note*** The points game Saturday will be our individual points game. Select your foursome to play with. Payout will be 1 for every 4 players – individual points.

Also … looks like Sunday the course will close early for Christmas Eve; However, they will have some tee times early. We can go out at 11 AM for those that wish to play.

We had 36 players today and paid two places.

Par Shooters: 70 Bobby Chaney; 72 Tracy Stephens

Honorable Mention: 74 Jody Woodruff, David Daniell; 79 Dale Thompson, Wendell Faircloth

Front E, First & Second Place (three way tie): Doc Garrett, Bob Fisher, Tom Bourgard, Jeff Jones

David Daniell, Wayne Magouirk, Greg Payne, Ed Lancaster

Tracy Stephens, Rick Mock, Jeffrey Jones, Richard Poole

Back First Place -4; 18 Holes First Place -2 (Two way tie): Bobby Chaney, Tyler Burns, Michael Stilwell, Donnie Stephenson

Back Second Place -3; 18 Holes First Place -2 (two way tie): Jody Woodruff, Artie Smith, Hal Reeves, Adam Horne


#1 Wendell Faircloth

#4 Dale Thompson

#6 Matt Love

#12 Hal Reeves (Eagle)

#15 Artie Smith

#16 Bobby Chaney

#18 Carl Adkins