Match Results – 2 Jan, 2024

***Reminder*** Please pay your 2024 Dues as soon as possible. You can pay John Correia, or WJ Daniell. You can also pay any board member, if you cant find us. Thanks much, looking forward to a great 2024 year of golf.

Also if you are attending, please sign up for the annual meeting on the bulletin board so we can get a good count. It will be on 11 January right after our Thursday game. Dinner will be provided.

***Note*** I have posted the 2023 Final Money Won list on our website –

We had 12 people in our game today

Honorable Mention: 74 Jody Woodruff; 77 Chris Mooring, Bruce Hilton, Artie Smith; 79 John Correia, Bob Fisher (SHA)

Front E; 18 Holes -4: Jody Woodruff, Dale Thompson, Tilford Copeland, Chris Mooring

Back -6: Bob Fisher, Artie Smith, Tom Bourgard, Rick Mock


#4 Bruce Hilton

#7 Jody Woodruff

#8 Jody Woodruff

#12 Bob Fisher (Eagle)

#14 Rick Mock

#16 Dale Thompson

Match Results – 31 Dec, 2023

***Note*** We have MGA tee times tomorrow at 1 PM for those interested.

We had 34 players today in our Scramble game

First Place Team -16: Tracy Stephenson, Lacy Ellerbee, Coty Hall, Jake Hall (Welcome these three new members – for 2024)

Second Place Team -15: Jake Raschke, Tom Bourgard, Seth Moss, Larry Moss, Daniel Weir

Third Place Team -13: Alex Hays, Dale Thompson, Artie Smith, John Correia

Skin (Only One):

#2 Tim Wynne Team

Match Results – 30 Dec, 2023

***Reminder*** Tomorrow being the fifth Sunday we will have our Scramble game.

Also if you have not picked up your free MGA member hat yet, please do so as soon as possible. After the first of the year we will begin offering the remainder of the hats for sale.

We had 18 players today in our game.

Honorable Mention: 79 Tracy Stephens

Most plus +6: Trenton Quigg

First Place Team +5: Dylan Folds, Daniel Weir, Hal Reeves

Second Place Team -1: Trenton Quigg, Larry Moss, Ed Lancaster


#3 Trenton Quigg

#8 Colby Folds

#10 Michael Conner

#16 Chris Mooring