Match Results-Dec. 12, 2024

***NOTICE*** Saturday’s Points Game will be, Pick your four man team and they will be your team for score.

We had 22 players today.

Honorable Mention: 73-Tracy Stephens, 76-Jody Woodruff, Tim Wynne 77-Jeff Jones, 79-Donnie Stephenson, Bruce Hilton, 80-W J Daniell (SHA)

Front -1 18 Holes Even

Donnie Stephenson, Artie Smith, Jeff Jones, Wayne Magourik

Back -2

Jody Woodruff, Josh Davis, Doc Garrett, W J Daniell


#2 Wayne Magourik

4 Dale Thompson

#5 Artie Smith

#8 Ed Lancaster

#11 Marvin Jones

#15 Doc Garrett

Match Results – 8 December, 2024

We had 44 players today in our game, and payed two places.

Par Shooters: 70 Paul Carroll, Alex Hays; 72 Tim Wynne, Rick Moody

Honorable Mention: 73 Bruce Hilton, Tracy Stephens; 74 Donnie Stephenson, Doc Garrett (SHA); 75 Jody Woodruff, Buck Ray, Hardy Daughtry, James Simpson; 77 Drew Hammonds, Carl Adkins, Marvin Jones; 78 Jake Hall, Greg Hinson

Front First Place -4; 18 Holes First Place -7: Rick Moody, James Simpson, Dylan Gay, John Wade

Back First Place -10: Paul Carroll, Ed Lancaster, Dale Thompson, Jamey Richardson

Back Second Place -8; 18 Holes Second Place -6: Tim Wynne, Marvin Jones, Artie Smith, John Correia

Front Second Place -1 (two way tie): Jody Woodruff, Doc Garrett, WJ Daniell, Josh Davis

Buck Ray, Coty Hall, Tyler Molton, Greg Payne


#1 Marvin Jones

#2 Alex Hays

#6 Buck Ray

#7 Dylan Gay

#11 Alex Hays

#12 Dale Thompson (Eagle)

#18 Robert Dokey