Match Results – 21 July, 2024

We had 36 players today in our Shamble 3 low game.

First Place Team -14: Tracy Stephens, Mike Churcher, Phillip Bush, Colby Folds

Second Place Team -8: Jody Woodruff, David Daniell, Doc Garrett, Joel Garrett

Third Place Team -5 (two way tie): Bruce Hilton, Tom Bourgard, Artie Smith, Buck Ray

Donnie Stephenson, Dale Thompson, WJ Daniell, David Dunaway

Team Skins:

#9 Bruce Hilton Team

#12 Coty Hall Team (Eagle)

Saturday Rainout!

I have refunded your $15 for those that played today. Check for an envelope at the clubhouse.

Tomorrow we will try again with our Shamble low 3 game.

Also, in our board meeting Thursday we voted to go back to picking by scoring average as we used to. No more pulling pills for picking order.
