The link below is a list of those who have paid to be in the MGA Hole In One Club.

In order to be eligible you must be a current member of the Southern Hills Men’s Golf Association. The fee to join is $5. The entry fee is only valid until such time a member has a hole in one. At that time the entry fee is due again to renew membership. One half the balance in the fund will be paid out each time a member has a hole in one. This will allow the fund to grow over time.

Only scores played on the normal MGA play days will count. Those days are Tuesday Noon; Thursday 1 PM; Saturday Noon; Sunday 1 PM and the Annual 2 Man Best Ball tournament. If there are not at least 12 players on any given day, it will not count as an official play date, and we will not pay out the HIO. The BOD reserves the right to add other special MGA sponsored events with advanced notice to the general membership.