MGA Annual Meeting

Thanks to all of the members that attended our annual meeting on Thursday night. We had a nice a dinner and some productive conversation. The main business for the evening was the nomination and election of new members for our Board Of Directors.

Your MGA BOD for 2022 is;
President – James Simpson (final year)
Vice President – Marvin Jones (re-elected)
Secretary / Treasurer – John Correia (replaces WJ Daniel)
At-Large Member – Jody Woodruff (final year)
At-Large Member – WJ Daniel (replaces John Correia)
At-Large Member – Artie Smith (new)
At-Large member – Carl Adkins (new)

We are scheduled to have our first BOD meeting with the new members after todays match (1/8/2022). There will be an additional news post within the coming few days to address the open discussion from the annual meeting.