MGA Annual Meeting

We are near the end of another successful year, now it is time to look toward 2018. The date has been set for our annual meeting:

January 4, 2018 – Dinner (menu to follow at a later date) at 5:30 with meeting to follow.

The meeting agenda will consist of:

  1. 2017 Review
  2. Financial Report
  3. BOD election. If you would be willing to serve please let WJ, Jody or Artie know so we can place your name on the ballot.
  4. 2018 Calendar of Events
  5. Open discussion on ways to improve our organization. If you have a topic you wish to discuss, please send email to WJ, Jody or Artie so we can make sure we get that in the agenda.
  6. Collection of dues for 2018

There will be a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board shortly. Since we need to know how many to plan for dinner, please sign-up before Dec. 30, 2017