Match Results-March 23, 2017

Reminder: The MGA Two Man Best Ball Tournament is scheduled for April 9th 2017. Deadline to sign up is April 6th at 6:00 pm, the sign up sheet is on the bulletin board, or just tell any of your BOD members(W J, Jody or Artie) we would like to have 30 teams. Get a partner and get signed up!

We had 25 players today.

Par Breakers: 70 Rick Moody, Jon David Kennedy

Front -1  Back -5 Tie  Overall-6

Jon David Kennedy, Ed Lancaster, Richard Poole, Tommy Poole

Back -5 Tie

Jody Woodruff, W J Daniell, John Wade, Tom  Bunting


#1 John Wade

#10 Bill Mayo

#11 Tommy Poole

#12 J D Kennedy (Eagle)