Match Results-June 16, 2018

Notice: The last report I had Tom Bourgard was in ICU in Macon with heart problems,  please keep Tom and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

We had 22 players in our points game today.

Low Scores: 73 Hal Baker,  74 Bill Shively

Player most Plus:  +12  Hal Reeves

1 st place  +19

Bill Shively, Hal Reeves, Butch Singletary

2nd place +3

Hunter Dokey, Kevin Dye, Wayne Magourik, Smitty Dennard


#   1   Brad Metz

#2   Steve Roland

#4   Ed Lancaster

#7   Ed Lancaster

#8   Hal Reeves

#16  Butch Singletary

#17  Hal Baker

#18  Wendell Faircloth