NOTE: No MGA game tomorrow due to Super Bowl Scramble
Correction: On 1/29/17 the post shows Fain Griffin’s team in a tie for the front nine. This should have shown the team of Bruce Hilton, Artie Smith, and John Wade in a tie for the front nine.
Today we had 21 players.
Front Nine: +8 18 Holes: +13
Rick Moody, Fain Griffin, Brett Puckett, Dennis Blomquist
Back Nine: +1
John Allison, Brandon Black, Burch Singletary, Chris Mooring, Jamey Richardson
#2 Daniel Weir
#4 Bruce Hilton
#6 Dennis Blomquist
#7 Tom Bourgard
#8 Fain Griffin
#9 Fain Griffin
#10 Jody Woodruff
#17 Ed Lancaster