NOTE: WE are working on plans for our annual meeting. The tentative date is 12/17/20. We will be serving a full meal, albeit with Covid19 stuff we may have to social distance for dinner and the meeting. I will post more details later but I want you to be thinking about who you would like to see on the Board of Directors for the next 2 years.
We had 25 players today.
Par Breakers: 72 Tracy Stephens
Front -1 18 Holes -1
Whitney Lancaster, Dan Erickson, John Sims, Howard Williams
Back -4
Robert Griffin, Tilford Copeland, Dale Thompson, Dennis Harris, Tom Bunting
#1 Robert Griffin
#3 Howard Williams
#4 Tracy Stephens (eagle)
#9 Jody Woodruff
#12 Dale Thompson (eagle)
#14 Donnie Stephenson