Match results – 6 Mar 2016

There were 35 players Sunday!

Before we get to the results I want to remind the Captains to post accurate results, to include skins. We had a scoring error (inadvertent for sure) that was not caught until the prize monies had been distributed. The below results are in fact the result of corrections made. We ask that the players involved return those monies that were incorrectly awarded so that they can be correctly distributed.

Just one more reminder: We have numerous John’s, Tom’s, Don’s etc. Please add enough information on the scorecard so I can credit the correct person on the money list.

Par Breakers: 71 – Tracy Stephens

Front +3

Wendell Faircloth(#3 of 9), Ed Lancaster, Bob Fisher, Dennis Brown

Rick Moody(#7 of 9), Doc Garrett, Richard Poole, Don Weir

Back -2

Bruce Hilton(#6 of 9), Artie Smith, Greg Payne, David Dunaway

Tim Wynne(#8 of 9), RC Coleman, John Wade, Ron Mertens

Overall +3

Wendell Faircloth(#3 of 9), Ed Lancaster, Bob Fisher, Dennis Brown

Rick Moody(#7 of 9), Doc Garrett, Richard Poole, Don Weir

Don’t forget, Saturday is Peer Day! Get your foursome and we will blind draw for teams as before. Still working on the format.