Match Results – 29 June, 2023

***Note*** Suggest If you have to call in to put your name on the list, please go in and check that it got on there when you arrive. Sometime they get busy, and it doesnt get done! We had a problem with that today, which had to be woked out after everyone was picked and on the way out to the tees. Thanks

***Reminder*** This Saturdays will be our four man points game. Choose your foursome to play with, and there will be a random draw for team scores.

Par Shooters: 71 Aaron Stocks; 72 Tracy Stephens

Honorable Mention: 75 Ed Lancaster; 76 Carl Adkins; 77 Bruce Hilton, Bill Lindsey; 78 Jody Woodruff, John Correia, Dale Thompson; 79 WJ Daniell (SHA)

Front -2 (two way tie); 18 Holes -1 (two way tie): Aaron Stocks, Wendell Faircloth, Carl Adkins

Rick Mock, Ed Lancaster, John Correia, Dylan Gay

Back -5: Bruce Hilton, Chris Mooring, Doc Garrett, Artie Smith


#3 Jeff Schwoob

#4 Tracy Stephens

#5 John Correia

#6 Aaron Stocks

#7 Carl Adkins

#9 Carl Adkins

#12 Bruce Hilton (Eagle)

#16 WJ Daniell

#18 Chris Mooring

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